An all-star day at Los Coyotes

who: Nick Matusov and Yuri Miller ('80 Cherokee SJ), Peter Matusov and Yuri Matusov ('79 Cherokee SJ), Matt and many friends (K5 Blazers)
when: May 5, 2001
trails: Dead Cow Rd., Appian Way (Old Mine) trail to the end and back, Creek Road including Hot Dog Hill and El Hill, Dangerous Road, Quiet Rd. including Left Turn Hill

A good start: Nick's stuck in SoCal's only mudhole! Blazin' down the Appian Way - the first rock garden Nick dives into the pool (Appian Way)
Z-turn: how tough is the paint on the K5? Z-turn: how tough is the paint on the K5? (take two) Paint? What paint? That valence panel shouldn't have been here in the first place!
Time to make some rocker panels conform to terrain. Outta the Zee. Matt grows impatient at the old mine while othes get hungry
who's next to take on the hill? Nick's next... huh... Closer... closer... Nope. You Blazer guys better move your rigs from the bottom of the hill!
...because backing down without power steering and brakes is sure fun! Matt's K5 lifts a foot crossing this ledge The backside of the Hot Dog Hill. Not pretty. Peter crunchin' down the backside of the Hot Dog Hill
Nick's turn to descend the Hot Dog Hill The close-up of the rocks After seeing one jeep making it up the El Hill, Nick floors it! Yet another take at the El Hill is up in smoke...
Nope. Time to move to the El-Hillette.